
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 10:27:23


The more money they made and contact they had with the society, the more temptation they started to face with the outside world. while the deep and pure love generated from the beginning began to degenerate/fade bit by bit.

你好,翻译为:“They have earned money to be more and more , the various aspects of society seeing has been also many , the external world be lured has been more and more many , the affection helping each other when both are in humble circumstances start that most has begun to go bad slowly but already”。

As they made more money and saw more of the society, and tempted by the increasing temptations of the outside world, the friendship bonding from the past started to fade slowly.

They earn more and more, see also the various aspects of society, and the temptation of the outside world, more and more the beginning of the feelings that have already started slowly degenerate.

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