
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 06:40:07

11.1 除非得到甲方书面批准和授权(传真亦可), 乙方不能代表甲方签订任何合同或发生任何合同以外第三方费用。

11.2 本合同项下的甲方批准和授权为不可撤消、不可变更之授权,除非该撤消或变更得到了乙方及相关合同以外第三方的共同认可。





13.1 甲方同意及时向乙方支付发票金额,以便乙方能够向媒体付款(若有)并支付制作商成本费用(若有)。

13.2 甲方可就乙方开具的发票提出合理疑问。乙方应通过与甲方商讨及时解决 疑问,必要时可经双方同意进行调整。但是,由于某一发票产生的争议,不应影响与有争议发票无关的其他发票的支付。

13.3 在协议期限内,乙方应按照的规定向甲方开具合法的税务发票。甲方同意在收到发票后30天内向乙方支付服务费。

13.4 在上述情况下,乙方将就所有应收款项向甲方开具正式的服务性行业发票。

13.5 如果甲方未按照规定支付到期款项,并且该等逾期款项在甲方收到乙方逾期付款书面通知后持续逾期五个工作日以上,则乙方有权单方面更改有关付款条件的要求,但甲方诚信提出质疑的款项除外。
13.6 对于逾期未付达三十(30)天的发票,可每月向甲方收取相当于每月逾期款项2%的滞纳金。甲方特此同意支付上述滞纳金,条件是:
-- 上述逾期付款并非由于甲方无法合理控制的任何原因;或
-- 甲方对发票的质疑应系诚信作出,并书面说明反对付款的理由。
13.7 如果由于甲方未按时向乙方支付收费和开支的相关款项而导致第三方供应商向乙方收取附加费,甲方应向

Article 11: approved and authorized

  11.1 Party unless approved and authorized in writing (fax also), on behalf of Party A Party B can not enter into any contract or any third party other than the cost of the contract.

  11.2 Party A under the contract approved and authorized for an irrevocable, irrevocable license, unless the revocation or change has been related to the contract other than B and the common third-party accreditation.

  Article 12: the application of tax

  Related to foreign exchange to pay, taxes to pay in accordance with the provisions of Chinese law. To be in China in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law to pay taxes and fees, and Party of China State Administration of Foreign Exchange in accordance with the relevant provisions of the deduction of taxes and fees paid to B other than the remainder of the contract price. If the payment process, the Chinese Administration of Foreign Exchange of the informatio