
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 01:59:01

1.Exit with your hands in the air.举手出来
with your hands in the air = 我们更熟悉的:with your hands up

2.I'll make you a deal if you don't move a muscle,i won't blow your head off.
not move a muscle=毫不动容,不变神色
此外,在美国俚语中be on the muscle =准备动武; 准备蛮干
在口语中flex one's muscles =小试身手
on the muscle =用暴力方式;气势汹汹的

3.pull over . 靠边,靠岸,开到路边
发现这是michael经常跟linc说的话----“把车停到一边”,每当linc问"why"的时候,michael都是一脸懒得跟你解释的那种神情说"just pull over"

4.Your commitment to help others,and i put you in a place that's every doctor's nightmare.
commitment to=许诺

5.I'm going to take a leak. 我去小解
leak=泄漏; take a leak =小解

6.That's a nasty contusion.那是恶意殴打
nasty=令人不快的;恶意的 ; contusion=殴打;打伤

7.If you think i can pull some strings to keep you out of gen pop.I can't do that.