
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 02:55:56

.Net解决方案下 .sln文件和.suo文件的解释:

When a Web site is created, a solution file (.sln) and a hidden solution user options file (.suo) are created. By

default, these files are created in the My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects folder. bcoz they are not required in

the deployed website.

SLN ( own's the following details):

* A list of the projects that are to be loaded into Visual Studio 2005
* A list of project dependencies
* Microsoft Visual SourceSafe information
* A list of add-ins that are available

SUO ( own's the following files):

* The task list
* Debugger break points and watch window settings
* Visual Studio window locations

Visual Studio.NET采用两种文件类型(.sln和.suo)来存储特定于解决方案的设置,它们总称为解决方案文件。为解决方案资源管理器提供显示管理文件的图形接口所需的信息

*.sln:(Visual Studio.Solution) 通过为环境提供对项目、项目项和解决方案项在磁盘上位置的引用,