
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 10:40:59
1. 不要践踏和挤压产品;
2. 在使用完毕后,请将电源关掉;
3. 不要将本产品放在靠近热的地方或者是高温的地方;
4. 使用干净的、柔软的布和中性的清洁剂去擦拭本产品,切勿使用汽油去清洗产品,以免损坏产品的外观;
5. 不要按摩发炎的皮肤;
6. 假如您有心脏病、高血压、脊椎炎或者您是位孕妇,请在医生的指导下使用本产品;
7. 切勿让儿童、精神不正常者使用本产品。


1. Not to walk on and extrusion products;

2. In the use of finished, please turn off the power supply;

3. Do not put this product close to heat the place or places of high temperature;

4. The use of clean, soft cloth and neutral detergent to clean the product, not to use gasoline to cleaning products, so as not to damage the appearance of products;

5. Do not massage the skin inflammation;

6. If you have heart disease, high blood pressure, spondylitis, or you are pregnant women, please, under the guidance of doctors use the products;

7. Do not let children, the mentally abnormal use of this product.


1. Don't trample on and extruded the product;

2. Please switch off the power supply after use;

3. Do not put this product close to the heat or places of high temperature;

4.Clean the product with clean, soft cloth and neutral d