
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 00:58:20
我装的实况09是游侠的4.0足球盛典版本,里面的编辑模式有两首歌,分别是ByeBye和Playmate of the year,而在听完这两首歌后,竟然还有别的歌听,而且没有显示歌曲名字,还非常好听,但我试听完播放列表的几十首歌后,竟然没有那首歌,而且怎么找也找不到,麻烦各位版本和我一样的高手指点下,看下叫什么名字,那首歌的歌词我只记得一些:follow ? into the sun,comeback to me,tell me that ?lonely you,to the sky。(除了这首外还有一首,不过歌词听不出来。两首都是女生唱的)
多谢两位( 地球人88888 和 nandewoyc ),可惜无论是声音还是音乐都显然不同。。。。。。。

应该是:comeback to me吧!

come back to me 中文歌词


The rain falls on my windows(雨滴掉落敲打我窗)
and a coldness runs through my soul( 寒意袭来深入灵魂)
and the rain falls (大雨在下)
and the rain falls (雨不停在下)
I don't want to be alone (我不想就这么一个人)
I wish that I could photoshop on our bad memories (我希望我能用Photoshop将我们之间不好的记忆都抹去)
Cuz the flash backs (因为往事如潮)
oh the flashbacks won't leave me alone (Oh 那往事如潮 请不要留我一个人)
If you come back to me I'll be all that you need (如果你回到我身边 我愿意付出一切 )
baby come back to me(宝贝请回到我身边 )
let me make up for what happened and (让我们风雨同舟 )
Come back baby come back to me(回来 宝贝请回到我身边)
Come back I'll be everything you need (回来 我愿意为你付出一切)
Come back baby come back to me (回来 宝贝请回到我身边)
Come back for you're one in a million (回来 为了那万里挑一的一个)
Come back baby come back to me(回来 宝贝请回到我身边)
Come back I'll be everything you need (回来 我愿意为你付出一切 )
Come back baby come