trouble 加什么后面

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 19:15:26


a sea of troubles 困难重重
ask for trouble [口]自讨苦吃
be a trouble to 对...是一个麻烦(或讨厌的人)
be in troubles with 和...闹纠纷
bear sb.'strouble on one's back 替某人担当责任
borrow trouble 自寻苦恼; 杞人忧天
don't trouble 别费事
get into trouble 招致不幸, 陷入困境, 遭受处罚 (使)未嫁怀孕 被捕, 坐牢
get out of trouble (使)摆脱不幸[困境]; (使)免受责骂[处罚]
give sb. trouble 麻烦人家
go to the trouble 不怕麻烦; 特意(后常接 of + 动名词)
have trouble with 有...病痛
I'll trouble you to 劳驾你..., 请你...
make trouble 闹事, 捣乱
make trouble for 给 ...带来麻烦
meet trouble halfway 自寻烦恼
no trouble (at all) [口]这不费事, 容易得很, 没什么
put oneself to (the) trouble 不怕麻烦, 愿意费力
save oneself the trouble (of) 省掉(...的)麻烦
take (the) trouble 尽力设法; 不怕费事
teething trouble 出牙期的病痛; [喻]事情开始时的暂时困难
trouble sb. for sth. [口]麻烦某人做某事(如递某物、告诉时间、比赛分数等, 常用于疑问句)