
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 07:12:35
我想发明一个机器人,它可以帮人类去完成人自身无法完成的工作。 现在,随着人们生活水平的提高,人的血管中的脂肪等大量过剩营养物质堆积,时间久了就像河道内堆满淤泥,人的血管变得越来越狭窄,有的甚至完全堵塞。于是,有了上述情况的人,血压就会升高,有的甚至血管堵塞。由于血压大,而导致毛某些细血管破裂,而出血部位发生在脑部,就会威胁人的生命。因为大脑是人的神经中枢,一旦因为脑血管出血,压迫脑神经,不及时救治就会有生命危险。有的即使救治及时,也可能会落下半身不随的后遗症。 因此,未来我想发明一种非常非常小、只以纳米计的机器人,它能深入到人的每一个毛细血管中,就象疏通河道的挖掘机、推土机一样,去清理人的血管,它将血管及血管壁上的废物完全清理干净。只要人定期使用我发明的机器人清理血管,那他(她)的血管就能时刻畅通无阻。所以,以后人们再也不用象现在,由于得了心脑血管疾病,而看着自己喜爱的红烧肉等美食敬而远之了。 这种机器人的本事不仅仅就这些,它还能伸入到人的每一个部位,实时传回医生想要的那个部位的影像图片,是不是比现在的X光机方便多了?更为难能可贵的是,这种机器人还能将人体内大量堆积的脂肪清理干净,那些爱美的女性再也不用为瘦身而乱吃减肥药,甚至禁食了。只要使用我发明的机器人,在为减肥而苦恼的女性就能时刻保持苗条的身材,且想吃什么就吃什么,再也不用担心因营养过剩而出现肥胖了。顺便说一下,最后这个功能也是我最喜欢的一项功能~


Scientists have invented many kinds of robots, are now improving their robot inventions. But technology is advancing, and people's living standards improving, the robot is a step by step toward our daily lives.

I would like to invent a robot that can help human beings to accomplish one's own can not complete the work. Now, with the improvement of people's living standard, people's blood vessels in a large number of excess nutrients such as fat accumulation, over time like a river filled with silt within a person's blood vessels become more narrow, and some even completely blocked. Thus, despite the above situations, blood pressure will rise, and some have even blocked blood vessels. Because blood pressure large, which led to gross rupture of some small blood vessels, while the bleeding site occurred in the brain, they threaten human life. Because the brain is the nerve center of people, once because of cerebral vascular hemorrhage