
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 02:58:01

Harry Potter now come to the 6th year in Hogwarts. He lukily got a potion text book from a secret man called" the half-blood prince" which had got Harry very good mark in potions lesson. Meanwhile, Dumbledore frequently gave Harry informations about Voldemort to help him get better understand of their enemy. Also, Harry fell in love with Ron's sister, Jenny and Ron also get his first love, which had made a "war" between Ron and Hermione. After Harry and Dumbledore found one of the Horcrues. Snape killed Dumbledore and finally Harry knew Snape was just the "Half-blood Prince".


It is the middle of the summer,but there is an unseasonal mist pressing against the windowpanes.Harry Potter is waiting nervously in his bedroom at Dursley's house in Privet Drive for a visit from Pofessor Dumbledore himself. one of the last time he saw the headmaster was in a fierce one-to-one duel with Lord Voldemort,and Harry can't