
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 04:11:15
Setting initial state ...
  DirectX memory and the 1210 report of the 512 free MB of texture memory.
The use of video memory size is limited to 496 MB of memory to use textures.
Texture detail is set up automatically.
Use the most textures, 0 and 0 in the normal maps of the mirror map picmip 0
298 waiting for the assets 'ShadowCaster type''milliseconds material'.
Wait 3 assets 'stencilshadow type''milliseconds material'.
331 waiting for the assets 'of film genres''material' milliseconds.
Error: 224 milliseconds to wait for the missing assets, "water_droplet".
Error: Unable to load materials, "water_droplet".
Error: Unable to load materials, "water_dynamic_spray".
  ------- ------- Sound system initialization
Loading fastfile 'ui'
39.41 MB of memory alloc for Database
Error occurred during initiali

是WIN7 你们眼瞎啊 什么dx9 那是xp用得 win7自带就 dx10了 重装试试 在装c++ 不行就是 你显卡不支持特效


