
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 11:02:19

About the Principle of Glucosamine Used in Health Foods (For reference only)
Glucosamine is a functional product for increasing bone mineral density, includes the hydrochloride of D-aminosugar and the sulfate of D-aminosugar.
There are two precautions:
1)Since in the 27 kinds of functions specified in the Health Food Code the function of protecting bone joint is excluded, the health foods containing glucosamine has to apply for license starting from the function of increasing
bone mineral density. Now there have been a few health foods containing glucosamine being approved.
2)Dosage: General daily dosage is 500 mg, being 1/3 of the dosage as drug. At present the dosage of glucosamine as drug is 15000 mg/day.

Principles about glucosamine used in health food (for reference only)
Glucosamine is a product that is generally used in increasing the deisity of bones, which includes the ahydrochlorate and sulfate in amino sugar D.

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