几个初中英语句子题。急用.越快越好 谢谢啦!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 16:02:45
1.这件羊毛衫摸起来很软 This sweater__________.
2.课堂上请注意听老师讲课 ________the teachers in class.
3.直到作业做完他才能走 ________until he finishes doing homework.
4.他总是想着一些美好的事情He is always ______ someting nice.
5.他几乎没有和朋友玩的时间了He_________to play with his friends.

1、feels soft
2、Pay attention to
3、He can‘t go
4、thinking about
5、hardly ever has time
6、We should regard animals as our friends
7、I love to go to sleep with the light on
8、Sometimes they have so much homework to do that they can't finish it.

touchs very soft
Concentrate on/Listen to/Pay attention to(listening to)
He didn't leave
thinking about
hardly has time
We should treat animals as our friends.
I like sleeping with light on.
Sometimes they have so much homework that they can't finish it.

feels soft
please listen to
he doesn't leave
thinking of
hardly has time
we should regard the animals as our friends.
i like to sleep with the light on
they sometimes have too much homework to finish

feels soft
listen carefully to
he doesn't go
thinking about
hardly has time
we should treat animals as our friends