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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 04:32:54

注释:{指非正常流入其它非代理商所倾销的TTD公司产品] 这句话是说 只有区域代理商才有资格在该区域销售商品,但有些(本来就没资格在该区域做业务的)非代理商以一种非正常的方式(比如较低的价格)偷偷地在该区域销售该公司的产品

smuggled goods: refers to products made by TTD, but imported through improper channels, and sold by non-TTD agents in irregular modes of sale.


{the products of TTD group which flow to non-agent improperly} puts it that only the regional selling agents have right to sell the product in the region, but those non-agent(who do not have right in selling products in the region)apply a abnormal way(usually sell by a low price) to sell the product of the company secretly.

Parallel: refers to non-regular flow of other non-agents-dumping TTD products

Note: (refers to non-regular flow of other non-agents-dumping TTD products] This sentence is that only the regional agents are eligible to sell goods in the region, but some (had no qualifications to do business in the region) non-agents in a non-normal way (such as a lower price) secretly in the regional sales of the company's products