
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 01:54:00
1) Consider the following quotation:

The consumption aspects of the [first] stimulus package were also designed to be
quick acting, with significant cash bonuses paid to pensioners, carers and seniors,
and low-income households within weeks of the announcement.

These are household groups that tend to have relatively high propensities to consume
out of income . . . thus maximising the economy-wide stimulus effects of the package.

Australia's response to the global financial crisis
A speech to the Australia Israel Leadership Forum
Wednesday 24 June 2009
Dr Steven Kennedy
Australian Treasury

Will this strategy maximise “the economy

Australian governments have attempted to use infrastructure spending to support the economy in the past. Unfortunately, the experience has not been wholly successful, with much of the infrastructure spending and activity not getting started until the economy was already recovering.

The Government and its advisers had absorbed this lesson and set about designing an infrastructure component of the stimulus package focused on quick-starting mid-scale infrastructure.

1)第一道说的是边际消费递减,边际消费倾向是指收入对消费的影响程度,经济刺激计划按照这一理论应该着重刺激那些穷人,这些家庭群体往往有较高的消费倾向,提高穷人的消费能力比提高富人富人的边际消费倾向更大。经济高涨 收入高的时候 由于边际消费倾向递减 消费占收入比例下降 对高涨的经济有抑制作用 避免过热的经济。反之,经济萧条的时候 收入底的时候 消费占收入比例上升 对萧条的经济有刺激作用


