
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 15:22:29

India's nod is not shaking his head count

Back to the streets to see this topic up, there is no fast food, no computer-related, there is no department stores or supermarkets, no bars, dance halls, amusement parks and other places of entertainment, it seems the evening had to stay in a hotel. On the road does have a lot of temples, Hindu, and not, quite broken, is a ceramic statue, as if all grown up like the nose, not as I think is filled with four arms of the god Shiva, and other N What God only arm. Can not enter the temple not allow photography.
Today is the third time by wearing a shirt and tie to wear shorts, barefoot Laoge took us to hit the road, still not work with fear. Plant in India to work British colleagues have told us that last year the company sent a group of Indian managers the training of engineers to the United Kingdom by the way get international driver's license and found that they no concept of the carriageway, on the road casually