
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 16:41:44
Dear Friend,

i am mr. daniel kuso a banker in one of the reputable bank in burkina faso . i have decided to contact you on a business deal of US$10.500 million and the depositor of the said fund died with his entire family during the iraq war in 2006.

according to our banking law, if the fund remain unclaimed for four (4) years then, the fund will be transfer into the reserve bank of burkina as unclaimed bill. i don't want the fund to go into the bank treasury and as such, let us claim the fund.

i want to present you as his cousin or business partner so that the bank will transfer the fund into your bank account for us to share it. your percentage will be 50% while 50% will be for me.

as an insider in this bank, i assure you that, this transaction is 100% risk free. if you are willing for this deal, contact me for more details but if you are not capable, please notify me.

the transaction will take us only 14 banking days. no

首先恭喜你收到了这封邮件!更加值得庆幸的是你没有看懂!!这是骗子邮件!!!大致的意思是:mr. daniel kuso这个人自称是银行家,而且他知道有一个在伊拉克战争中全家死光的人在银行有一千零五百万的基金。他想让你去冒领,然后分50%给他,这封信没有发申请表格,但你回信后就可能会给个表格你填,估计是关于你的银行帐号之类的信息……妈的!我也收到了……


