
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 02:13:56

Probiotics ,has been proved as a bacterium which is good for people and animals'health.
It has been widely used in these fields,food、medicine、forage and drinks.With the change of people's life from subsistence level to being fairly well-off,especially after the event SARS and Big Head Milk Powder,people has changed their consume opinion .Nowadays, they are not satisfied with life which is just have enough food,they are pursuing higher life level with nutrition、sanitary|、safety and health protection.Therefore,among 28000 kinds of food,which kind of food can meet people's need.
Nowadays probiotics is very familiar with us,and it has broken into consumers' horizons.Probiotics market has a history of more than one century and formed a industry in international market.However ,the industry is just at the beginning in China,it is not a mature industry in domestic at the present.In order to integrate with the world mar

第一段最后一句话改为Therefore ,there are more than 28000 kinds of food, all of which can meet ……。就更好了。比 “在28000种食物中,有哪些可以满足人人们的需要”,看上去更合理,更能切合文章主旨。



现在我们已经很熟悉了益生菌,它已经闯入了消费者的地平线. 益生菌的市场有超过一个世纪,形成了一个产业在国际市场的. 然而,刚开始的时候,它不是一种成熟的行业在国内目前为了与国际市场接轨,关键是要突破瓶颈与发展中市场的. 只要我们采取措施来宣传介绍益生菌,它将会是一个流行的消费品,有一个美好的未来,在国内市场。