谁帮我做做这几道汉译英的题 在线等!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 10:27:17
We live in an apartment with a beautiful yard,almost ____ ____ ____a tennis court.
The village ____ ____ ____ ____ _____lies behind the mountain.
The city is ____ ____ ____ descrided in the book,small and dirty.

1.as big as
2. that we want to go
3.is not just as

We live in an apartment with a beautiful yard,almost as big as a tennis court.
The village we will go to visit lies behind the mountain.
The city is not just as descrided in the book,small and dirty.

1 as large as
2 what we are going to

1. We live in an apartment with a beautiful courtyard, it is almost as big as tennis court .

2.THE Village that We want to go lies behind the mountain .

3.The city is also like the book described as both dirty and small