
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 16:27:27

1.talk 意为“谈话、讲话”,如果只有一方对另一方说话时,一般用 talk to;如果双方或多方交谈,多用 with。如:

Please talk to him right now. 请立即同他谈话。

He is talking with his friend. 他在和朋友交谈。

talk about 意为“谈论......”。如:

They are talking about the movie. 他们在谈论那部电影。

have a talk with 意为“与......交谈”。如:

Can I have a talk with you? 我可以和你交谈吗?

4. say 意为“说”。如:

Can you say it in English once more? 你能用英语再说一遍吗?

say to 意为“对......说”。如:

He said to his students that they would have a test.


It is said that... 意为“据说”。如:

It is said that he could stay under the water for a long time.

2. 2. speak 意为“说话、讲话”,后面主要接语言。如:

He can speak English and a little Chinese.


speak to 意为“和.....讲话、谈话”。如:

Can I speak to Mr Zhang?