
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 13:41:17
我们大家是也由于共同的理想与目标而聚在一起 能与大家在同一个班 是我们的缘分 也是我的福气 关于我的过去 大家会在以后的时间里逐渐了解我而我的未来 将会与大家共同创造!人无完人 我有什么做错的地方请大家多多宽容与包含



we get togther for the same dream and aim. it is our destiny that we meet in the same class ,which is also my fortune. about my past,you will get to kown in the later time. and my future will be create with you . no man is perfect. please forgive and contain me if i do sth wrong.

We are all also because of their common ideals and goals together.With you in the same class is our fate is my blessing.About my past, you will at a later time, get to know me.And my future will be with you together to create!No man is perfect.I have anything to make the wrong place to ask everybody very much to forgive and to contain .

It's my honor to be here,and it's our fate to get together in this class for the same ideals and goals. You'll know my past in the days after,and we'll create a wonderful future together.

No man is perfect,if I had done something wrong,please do forgive and do contain.


We are all together because of the same ide