我要面试 需要些回答谢谢了

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 01:13:59
帮我写个空中乘务的英语面试 可以有点特色的么
还有初次面试会遇到的问题 请了解的告知我一下

英文的问题 会问些什么 ?谢谢各位了

Good morning . My name is ... I am ... years old this year. I come from a long history of .......,I graduated from the school ... I am a cheerful personality. Positive, life-loving boys. Air crew I have always dreamed of is professional, I like for people to services, because of this I am very happy. ... College is my dream place. I am willing to dream for my efforts. Thank you.

Hello, I am a girl from ....., the name shouts. . . I am ....... this year, it is my greatest dream from childhood that I graduate from the teachers college of Changchun to become a beautiful stewardess, because I like the blue sky and feeling of hovering, I am one and girl of honest efforts, if there is an opportunity, whom I can make great efforts do this job well, hope too everybody can help me to realize this dream. Thanks!

要去面试了,我都需要准备些什么?因为快要毕业了,这是第一次准备这么正式的面试!谢谢各位仁兄了 什么是文档管理?怎么做好文档管理?我要面试了谢谢大家的回答! 我星期一就要留校面试了,请问大家校领导一般都会问些什么,怎么回答,谢谢! 我要面试一份网络推广,我没做过,不知道怎么做?需要具备什么知识条件,明天就要面试了,小子在这谢谢了 我过几天就要面试了?大家帮帮我,帮我回答一些问题:谢谢! 我明天面试,需要期货知识。谢谢 我要面试一个外企财务专员,要一个英语自我介绍和面试回答等,谢谢大家 急急急!面试时的问题,怎么回答?谢谢了` 面试官问为什么离开上家单位,我要怎么回答?要具体答案。谢谢! 关于英语面试,请帮我回答这些问题,谢谢