初二 英语 同义句转换 请详细解答,谢谢! (7 8:48:59)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 01:20:21
1.They  can hardly decide what they will do next
(        )(         ) for  them to decide what (         )(         ) next
2.This building isn't the same as that one
This building is (         ) (           ) that one.
3. He is so young that he can't look after himself well.
He is too young to (              )(              )(             )(           ) himself.

1.They can hardly decide what they will do next
(It's)(difficult) for them to decide what (to)(do) next.
sb can hardly do sth=it's difficult for sb to do sth

2.This building isn't the same as that one
This building is (different) (from) that one.
be not the same as=be different from

3. He is so young that he can't look after himself well.
He is too young to (take)(good)(care)(of) himself.
look after=take good care of

1.They can hardly decide what they will do next
( It's )( hardly ) for them to decide what ( to )( do ) next
2.This building isn't the same as that one
This building is ( different ) ( from ) that one.
3. He is so young that he can't look after himself well.
He is too young to ( take )( good )( care )( of ) himself.

( It's )( hardly ) for them to d