翻译:中国农业银行重庆分行南岸支行等有关银行实习内容 英文怎么翻?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 02:30:25
 a协助大堂经理处理日常事务,协调柜台与大堂经理的沟通。
 b接受客户关于存贷业务的咨询。
 c向理财经理了解学习该行相关理财产品信息。
 a协助大堂经理处理日常事务,接受客户关于存贷业务的咨询,指导客户开户流程。
 b积极学习个人理财业务知识,并与潜在客户沟通,分享理财知识,在时机成熟的情况下把理财经理推荐给客户,以其更专业的知识完成工作。

A 负责协会内部授课及文艺方面管理,加强了协会内部的团结,同时加强了本协会与其他协会之间的友谊。
 2008.12 组织参与慰问歌乐山敬老院活动,受到广大师生好评。
B四川外语学院第二届科研立项和实践创新项目 2008.09-2009.06
 通过与其他两名同学合作创业计划,数据分析以及对相关案例分析的对比,构思并实践了“关于在网吧开设咖啡厅”的项目,完成商业策划在全校的宣讲报告,并顺利结题。实地走访了目的地的多家网吧,结合问卷调查与交谈,了解该项目的真实性,可行性。
C 校精神文明建设先进个人 1次2009
四川外语学院第二届科研立项和实践创新项目三等奖 1次2009


A. responsible for association internal training and administration of cultural and art activities, enhance the unity of the association, and enhance the relation with other associations

12.2008 association visited GeGeShan Senior House and was appriased by teachers and students

B. through comparison of entreprenuer plans with 2 other students, analysisi of data and related example cass, we made a plan and exercised "providing coffee service in internet bar" project. We finished our business planning and gave speech at school with a successful wrap up. We went into many internet bars to study feasibility through traditional paper survey and conversation.

C. winning certification of school building spiritual civilization in 1999

Winner of Class C of SiChuan Foreign Language Insitution 2nd Research & Development of New Scientific Project and Application

1, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Chongqing N