
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 12:40:20
C,很对不起,这份邮件不知何故转到了垃圾箱,我刚刚才发现。出入境处这次没有收取Alex的health check paper,我这就把它们还给你.

C, I am sorry. Your previous email has been sent to my spam. I just found out. The Custom didn't take Alex's health check paper. I am going to sent it back to you now.

C, I am very sorry that this email has been sent to my spam with some unknow reason. I just found it out. The Custom didn't take Alex's health check paper. I am going to sent them back to you right now.

i'm so sorry, c, I have just found that this e-mail was conveyed to the dustbin somehow. This time the Bureau of Exit and Entry haven't kept the health check paper of Alex, so I will return them to you now.


C, I am so sorry that I didn't know why your previous mail was sent to my junkmail folder. I just noticed that right now. The BUREAU OF EXIT & ENTRY(你的出入境未给出全称,你自己再改一下) did not take Alex's health check paper, so, I am going to send them back to you.

I'm very sorry about the late reply. Your ma