
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 03:10:36
X - Y^4=LCM (X, Y)
(Y^4 等于Y的四次方)

一个班有30名学生, 他们坐在15个双人桌, 每个桌子做两个人。 有一半数量的女生跟男生坐。 有没有可能倒过来让一般的男生跟女生坐? 为什么?
there are 30 students in a class. they sit at 15 double desks, each one is for two students. half of the girls sit with boys. Is it possible to make a rearrangement so that half of the boys sit with girls? why?

强人 研究生? 建议上网用软件答 有很多是方程分析的

there are 30 students in a class. they sit at 15 double desks, each one is for two students. half of the girls sit with boys. Is it possible to make a rearrangement so that half of the boys sit with girls? why?