
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 23:28:06
Direct writing in property-liability insurance
In some lines of property insurance, independent middlemen have been dispensed with and the contract is marketed directly from the insurer to the insured, with or without an intermediary. Small amounts of insurance are sold directly by mail and no agent of any kind is employed; all negotiations are made between the insurance company and the consumer. In most cases, however, the insurer employs a representative called an exclusive agent to handle its business, to solicit prospects, to take care of paper work, and, in general, to serve as the insurer’s direct contact with the insured. Insurers who employ this type of distribution are called direct writers. In general, direct writers have been able to sell insurance at lower cost to the final consumer and this, plus a vigorous advertising campaign, has contributed greatly to their success. The lower cost has been achieved by the insurer largely through stricter underwriting and smaller

保险专业英语有些忘了。direct write忘记标准的是啥了。。。学而不用的悲剧阿= =!


