
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 05:30:39
Today I had a meeting with our manager breeder

He had tested the marigolds in the greenhouse and still had some general comments

He asked me about the possibility to have the hybrids changed a bit so that they will be more even in flower ( in between the different colours) and a little more early as the Inca is still 10 days ahead in flowering

I know that this is not something which can be done overnight but is it something we could work together with you to get that done ?

Not sure how though, there are several options, we could do breeding on both sides Holland and China and exchange material.

You do breeding and production and sales within China and we rest of the world

To do this will we be needing to have access to the parents used and to have a breeder visited you

Is this something you would be interest in doing that together ?

Mr Jan Sijm our manager breeder has worked on Marigolds before bo

Today I had a meeting with our manager breeder
He had tested the marigolds in the greenhouse and still had some general comments
He asked me about the possibility to have the hybrids changed a bit so that they will be more even in flower ( in between the different colours) and a little more early as the Inca is still 10 days ahead in flowering
I know that this is not something which can be done overnight but is it something we could work together with you to get that done ?
Not sure how though, there are several options, we could do breeding on both sides Holland and China and exchange material.
You do breeding and production and sales within China and we rest of the world
To do this will we be needing