
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 08:03:47
90. Everyone here will thank the fire-workers for the things they have done to prevent fires __________the environment safer.
A making B. for making C. to make D. made

91. He is as you.
A. an as kind man B. as a kind man
C. as kind a man D. kind as a man
92. The houses built of brick last longer than built of wood.
A. one B. that C. ones D. those
93. —How big is your dog?
—Mine is ______ yours.
A. as twice big as B. as big twice as
C. twice as big as D. as big as twice
94. —Was the class long enough?
—No, it wasn' t enough.
A. much too long B. too much long
C. quite long D. too long much
95. All the persons interest in the case share in working out the problem.
A. have B. show C. with D. of
96. —What did the mother say?
—She said that her son went _______

1,A prevent sb doing sth 阻止某人做某事。
2, D 不确定啊,凭语感的。
3, A 以前我们老师讲过,记得好像是选ONE
4, C 固定用法;A is x times as big as B
5, A much too 表示太,非常,后可接形容词,而too much后接不可数名词。也可作为副词用,接在动词后,如you talk too much。
6, C 如果空格是在persons后面的话,我觉得这里要选一个伴随状语啊,with interest 有兴趣地, 津津有味地; 附加利益; 加重地, 加倍地
7, D 应该是这个啊
8, C 忘记要做某事:forget to do sth.
忘记做过某事:forget doing sth.
9, C 这里的it代指do my homework,是一种行为,所以用单数,
10,B 从句是我为主语,所以主句也要以我为主语。主语保持一致原则。
11,B in the city指在城里,make a study 是固定搭配。

90,A prevent sb doing sth 阻止某人做某事。

91 B as you as 可看作是插入

92 B 省略which were

93 C twice(倍数词)+ as+ …… +as。

94 A much too 修饰形容词。much 修饰too,其实是too 决定后面词的词性。同理too much修饰的是不可数名词。

95 这个我就不知道了 不好意思

96 D 习惯表达 修饰语的顺序

97 C forget doing--在做了,忘记曾经做过

forget to do---本该做却忘记做,没有做

98 C have it 横线是在这么

99 B 主语的谓语和从句的谓语一致时,从句的主语才可以省略。

100 B make a study of