求雅思口语范文 关于一个崇拜的明星

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 04:09:11

人物: 崇拜的偶像 Bill Gates

There are so many people in the world, about 8-9 billion.

But the ones that really matter are few.

Bill Gates is one of the most important people in the 20th and 21st century.

I admire him so very much.

Bill Gates was the former CEO and president of the world’s largest software company, Microsoft. He was also the world’s richest person in the past. He is currently running his charity foundation to help millions of people in need.

He founded Microsoft and developed the company to the biggest in its industry.

He and his company changed the way computers work greatly.

80% of computer users nowadays use windows.

And our world would be very different without Bill Gates and his company.

He’s well known for his wealth, for his business skills and also for his technological genius.

I admire him so much because his achievement is