
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 16:31:36

1. 简单名词宾语:
I like the book I have bought since I was very young
2. 双宾语:
He sent me a card for my birthday yesterday.
3. 复合宾语:
My mother looked at me get on the train at the station.
4. 不定式宾语:
I'd like to go with you to help him.
5. 动名词宾语:
Would you mind opening the window. It's too hot in the room.
6. 动名词复合结构宾语:
He suggested my leaving earlier than befors.
7. 宾语从句
Tom, a friend of mine, told me that he would come to me the next day.
8. 虚拟语气宾语从句:
They insisted that he stay here for another day.
9. 形式宾语(不定式):
I found it hard to complete such a job with a week.
10. 形式宾语(动名词):
Didn't you feel it useless waiting for him without any result?
11. 复杂宾语:
I didn't know that you imformed me what he had told you when he would be here. (宾语从句套宾语从句)

1.The teacher is walking into the classroom
主语:The teacher