
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 13:57:12
1.The father came home from work late again,----- and hungry,------his five-year-old son waiting for him at the door.
A.tiring;finding B.tired;found C.being tired;and found D.tired;to find

2.After listening to the manager's program carefully,Mike opened his lips as if -------.
A.to speak B.speaking C.spoke D.speak

3.-----both sides accept the agreement ----a lasting peace be established in this region.
A.Only if;will B.If only;would C.should;will D.Unless;would

4.He-----unwisely,but he was at least trying to do someting useful.
A.may have acted B.must have acted. C.should act. D.would act

5.that was not the fitst time he -----us.I think It's higj time we -----strong actions against him.
A.betrayed.take B.had betrayed;took C.has betreyed;took D.has betrayed;take

6.He says whatever he th

第一 B tired 和hungry 并列 做伴随状语 然后 found和came 并列 做句子的谓语;
第二 D 正在说话
3. D 是倒装 unless 虚拟语气 然后后面用倒装语句 ;
4. A “可能” 是虚拟语气 用完成时;
5.B 是过去完成时 用had 然后我们打他时过去时用过去时took;
6.B 语义题 不管别人怎么想,他就说他想说的;
7.A 别瞎扯的意思 语义题

1.tired 和hungry 是做状语,但第二个空得添and found ,and 连接两个并列谓语 或者,第一空tired 第二空也可以是finding ,做伴随状语,表示主动
2.A 表示好象要说
3.A Only 加状语放句首,要倒装,if 是条件句,主句将来时,条件句用现在时表示将来时,主将从现
4.A 情态动词加have done 表示对过去情况的推测,翻译成可能是,而B 是肯定性推测,翻译成一定
5.B这是第一次某人做某事,在这个句式中,从句用完成时,是过去完成时还是现在完成时,要看主句的时态,如果是现在时,从句就用现在完成时,如果是过去时,就用过去完成时。That was the first time that he had betrayed ...
That is the first time that he has betrayed ...
第二个空是It's high time 句式,虚拟语气用法,两种表现形式,要么后面用过去时,要么加that should
6.B 不管,不顾
7.A 表示对对方的鼓励和催促