请帮我翻译下这段情景对话 谢谢~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 23:10:38
A:有的 但是先生 我们酒店不能接待外宾 因为我们没有涉外许可证。
A:您可以先去我们旁边的4星酒店问一下 或者您做到左边的十字路口 然后左转 接着笔直走15分钟 那里有一家我们的连锁店
客:好的 谢谢
A:不客气 再见

Customer: Is there any room available?
A: Yes, but I'm sorry for that our hotel can not receive foreigners because we don't have the license to receive foreigners.
Customer: hm .. while, could you tell me which hotel can receive me?
A: You can go and ask for the 4-star hotel next to our hotel, or you can go to the left crossroads and then turn left and then walk straight for 15 minutes and you will see a chain of our hotel.
Customer: OK! Thank you!
A: You're welcome! Goodbye!

Customer: Excuse me,is there a room available?
A: Yes, but I'm sorry that our hotel can not receive foreigners because we don't have the license.
Customer: Hm .. Well, could you tell me how I can find another hotel near here?
A: Yes.You can go to the 4-star hotel just next to us, or you can go to the cross on the left,then turn left and walk straight ahead for 15 minutes and you will see one of our chain hotels
Customer: OK! Thank you!<