用英语词组造句 难不倒你们了

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:45:35
1 have trouble doing sth 2 with the help of 3 decide not to do sth 4 try one's best to do sth 5 be angry with

1. I have much trouble (in) learning English.
2. Last term, he passed the final exam with the help of you.
3. They decided not to go out for a picnic because of the heavy rain.
4. You should try you best to learn English better.
5. Are you angry with Tom any longer?

1.I have trouble going to work.
2.With the help of her I got this job.
3.He decided not to watch TV.
4.He tries his best to work hard.
5.He is angry with her.

have trouble doing sth and with the help of the decide not to do sth do try one's best to do sth to be angry with 不敢保证全对啊