
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 12:39:53
但是孙海平对中国田径的贡献,远不止是先进的理念。事实上,中国田径永远不缺乏先进理念,但有多少能够付诸实践? 先进理念无法推广,跟中国田径教练综合素质有关,但更关键的是遭遇了中国田径的“小农经济”思维的阻碍。田径是“运动之母”、“金牌大户”,但是中国田径一直在世界处于整体落后状态,在很多地方教练的眼里,既然无法在世界上竞争,还不如退而守住自己的一亩三分地。这就造成了很多中国田径的怪现象:比如只重全运会不重世界大赛,比如省队教练不愿意上国家队。

Liu Xiang is China's largest track and field athletes participating abroad, and he was also injured at least one of the players, can cater to high-intensity training, competitions and in good condition, this is nothing more in the Chinese sports a miracle.

        But the Sun Haiping the contribution of the Chinese track and field, far more than just an advanced concept. In fact, the Chinese track and field will never lack of advanced ideas, but how many can be put into practice? Advanced concept can not promote, with the overall quality of the Chinese track and field coach, but more critical is the encounter of Chinese track and field's "peasant economy" thinking barriers. Track and Field is a "movement of the mother", "big gold", but the Chinese track and field has been lagging behind in the world in a whole state, in many parts of the coach's eyes, since it is impossible to compete in the wor