
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 17:53:23
2. Please make sure Ejector Pins are NITRIDED
3. Water ways holes must be 1/4" BSP threads

Please confirm above and let me know when will see first sample.

Also this company that I am talk to would like to know if you have interest to supply to them tooling for their products? I sad I would ask if you are interest?

1. For Type A and D. For these lines only want to have tooling made so can make 1 part
and not other part. For instance if only have order for 2" A type do not want to make 2" D type. He said we need to have " a turn around sprue bush" so this can be done. Is this OK?
1、 对于不同形号的产品,每付模具只能做一种型号的产品。例如2" A型号的订单是不可以同时有2" D型号的产品发给客户的。他要求我们的模具主浇口要做成香蕉浇口,这个应该没有问题吧?
2. Please make sure Ejector Pins are NITRIDED
3. Water ways holes must be 1/4" BSP threads
3、模具冷却水路要求达到1/4" BSP标准

3。水的方式必须1 / 4 "的洞的线程

