
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 14:55:51

Eminem (1972- ) American rap artist and actor, known for his popular and controversial music. Eminem’s second album, The Marshall Mathers LP (2000), sold more than 5 million copies in the first month of its release, a record for a solo artist within that time period.

He was born Marshall Bruce Mathers III in St. Joseph, Missouri. (His initials, M.M., are the source of his performing name.) Raised by his mother, Mathers moved to Detroit, Michigan, in 1984. He was often the target of teasing and physical abuse as a boy, and he sought refuge in rap music. After failing the ninth grade three years in a row, Mathers dropped out of high school in 1989. He got a job working as a cook and wrote rap lyrics in his free time.

Struggling to cope while living in a dangerous neighborhood, the aspiring rapper created an alter ego named Slim Shady that allowed him to vent his anger in a humorous manner. At the 1997 Rap Olympics, a contest held in Los Angeles, California, Emine