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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 17:49:11
不要自动翻译的 请高手帮忙翻译一下 是很重要的作文

我的名字听起来很文静 很多朋友都喜欢我的名字,因为我性格比较外向而且喜欢男生的打扮 所以很多朋友第一次听到我的名字时都不相信这是我的真实姓名。 我有很多由我的名字的谐音而得来的外号 非常有意思 比起名字来我更喜欢朋友们叫起我的外号 因为这样会感觉很亲切 。关于我的名字并没有什么特别的故事 而且在韩国这几年里我经常使用的是我的英文名字和韩语名字 如果突然有朋友叫我的中文名字我会在想这是在叫谁 呵呵 我的母亲告诉我在为我起名字的时候翻查了很多的字典 认为我现在的名字很特别而且有很多意义 希望我可以像名字那样文静和特别 这就是关于我名字的故事。

My name sounds sedate and many friends like my name. Because I am an outgoing girl who likes boys’ dressing style, many of my friends couldnt believe it’s my real name when they first hear of my name. I have a lot of interesting nicknames after the partial tone of my name. Compared with my real name, nicknames are preferred to by me because they give me comfortable feeling. There is no special story about my name and during the years in Korea, my English name and Korea name are more often used. If someone call me in my Chinese name, I will wonder who he is calling for. My mother told me when I was named, my parents consulted a lot of dictionaries and they believed my name was special and made a great deal of sense. I wish myself could be sedate and special like my name. This is the story about my name.

my name sounds very gentle, so many of my friends like it. Because my personality is outgoing and always dress like a boy, many friends can't believe it is my real name.