
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 22:03:35


不一定要一个字一个字翻译,意思表达出来就好了。 让人觉得感动而又不会太恶心。

When you are happy, you want to share your joyance with someone;
When you are sad, you needs someone's comfort;
when you are mazed, you needs to ask for someone's advice.
and that someone is Family!
还有哈,那个人不仅可以是你的家人,也可以是知已或知心朋友吧? ;p

"When a person happy, when you want to share the joy with someone"
"When a man sad time to have a person's comfort"
"When a person confused, when someone views the request"
"And that person is family"

Share the pleasure(joy) while one is happy.
Need one's comfort while one is sad.(Have one's comfort when one has a sad time)
Require one's suggestion while one's at sea(confused).
It happens to be that person is your family.(But that one is the family. )

I would like to
"When a person happy, when you want to share the joy with someone"
"When a man s