
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 12:30:24
6 当我们听说他被指控犯有故意杀人罪时,我们都不敢相信自己的耳朵。(murder ) 7 警察在市里所有的电台广播说明了那个有失的孩子的模样。(broadcast〕 8 那家航空公司收了我额外的超重行李费。(overweight ) 9 需要我把你的电视调到新的频道吗?(tune )

6.When we heard that he was charged with murder, we could not believe our ears。(murder谋杀罪 intentional homicide故意杀人罪)。
7.Police broadcast the appearance of the failure child in all the radio of the city .
8.That airline company charged me an extra fee for overweight.
9.Do you need me to tune your television set to a new channel ?

6、On hearing the news that he committed the murder, we could not trust our ears.
7、The police broadcast in all the radio stations and explained the visage of the lost boy.
8、That airline company charged me for overweight.
9、you need me to adjust the television to the new channels?