以 My friend 为题,写一篇短文 要求:以第三人称写,用下表给出的所有信息

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 20:27:31
姓名:Maria 年龄:14 年级:7 学校:No.8 Mddle School 电话:2725376 颜色:黄 食物:橙子 课程:英语 最喜欢的老师:英语老师
拜托了各个学姐学哥们 尽快回答啊

Maria is one of my best friends. She's fourteen years old. She's from America. She is an exchange student. She is now studying in Grade 7 in No.8 Mddle School. Her favorite subject in school is English, and she loves her English teacher best. She likes yellow best of all the colors. As for fruit, she likes orange best.
Would you like to be her friend ,too? If so, please call her at 2725376.

I have a good friend.Let me tell you something about hers.She is Maria.She is a fourteen-year-old girl.She is in NO.8 School and in Grade 7.Her favorite color is yellow,so she often wear yellow clothes.And she likes oranges very much.Maria's favorite subiect is English.Of course,her favorite teacher is the English teacher.If you want to know she well,you can call her to 2725376.
