
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 20:03:49
Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students?
Have you have ever seen how hardworking the high school students are? Sure you have. Being one of the university students, we all have the past that fought for a ticket for getting the opportunity to gain a university education. Here come to the question, does higher education should be only available to good students? Just like most issues there are arguments on it, and of course, leads quite a lot of controversial. Different people held various opinions. It seems that people in growing number are beginning to accept that the university education should be the best members’ potent. While I am on pretty solid ground that such statement is nothing more than non-sense. As oppose to commonly accepted belief, I strongly argue that higher education should be available to all of the students. Numerous reasons

用功了这么多不错了,但是还有很多地方要改进,比如很多单词用的有些childish,比如good student 用dux代替感觉比较好,还有语法,稍微看了点Have you have ever seen 应该是Have you ever seen吧,还有a lot of controversial,controversial是形容词,还有一些感觉怪怪的地方,你在仔细看上几遍吧

