
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 04:17:35

这真的是一个错误.我们或许该分开.而他真的是个疯狂的人,脾气来了会乱砸东西.那天砸了好多东西.让我觉得好寒心啊.!伤心.痛心 ..
当然我也有坏脾气了,.哎..性格不合吧,!也或许是我们压力太大.学业太重.你的十几块软件堆在那.我也有一大堆画和海报要做 .好累.但是心更累.不是吗?

因为我知道.自从我们那天那样大吵之后一切都变了.你也没一再那样的迁就我了.9月15号 .也不知道又发什么疯了.像一个失去灵魂的人一样..一致的步伐.没有表情的你.走在街上.怎么叫你也不听.你也不愿和我多说一句话.不看我一眼.我有多伤心吗.?那个时候其实我多么的想丢下你一个人。但是我没有.感觉陪你走了很久很久.你还是不说话.打电话叫来你朋友.你有了变化..呵 .我发现我比不上你朋友.记得那晚折腾到凌晨4点才休息。你跟我一样 .以自我为中心.

我做全了我认为不会发生在我身上的事 .低声下气求你回家.求你吃饭.求你睡觉.我还发现现在只要我一大声说话那么你就会变的我无法挽回的地步.会一发不可收拾的发疯.有时想.我真是受够了.我甚至在想,有一天我也会不会像电视讲的那样.为了一个男人自杀.或者怎样 ,.哎.恐怖得想法.
呼呼.一切都变了.回不过去了.顺其自然吧.是我自己选择的.现在只希望我们能永远的心平气和的下去.好好经营我们的家 .过我们的小日子.好吗?


September 2009 11 afternoon, I did in this life I think I will not do a thing, for a man to seek him to stay. I think so could be so humble to seek a man, I really To feel sad. until we moved out to live in such a fortnight since. I found the original but not to us, we are all good strong people. At the same time I am also a favorite of people around the person-centered

This really is a mistake. We may have the separation. But he really is a crazy person would be chaos temper came Zadong Xi. Smashed a lot of things that day. It makes me feel good chilling ah.! Sad. Sad ..
Of course, I also have a bad temper, and. Hey .. personality clashes bar,! Perhaps it is too much pressure on us. School too. Your 10 a few pieces of software stack on that. I also have a lot of paintings and posters to be done. Good tired. But the mind is exhausting. is not it?

I felt that we should not as we imagine is so beautiful. There is the future? No bar.
Because I know t