
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 14:49:57
不是要歌词 是歌词中文翻译- -!

It's like you're a drug 你就像是毒品
It's like you're a demon I can't face down你就像个我无法驾驭的恶魔
It's like I'm stuck我仿佛被你吸引了
It's like I'm running from you all the time我好像一直想逃离你
And I know I let you have all the power我知道是我让你凌驾与我
It's like the only company I seek is misery all around仿佛我唯一寻觅到伴侣是痛苦
It's like you're a leech 你就像是吸血虫Sucking the life from me 把我的生命也吸走
It's like I can't breathe彷佛我无法呼吸
Without you inside of me 如果你不在我里面
And I know I let you have all the power我知道是我让你凌驾与我
And I realize I'm never gonna quit you over time我也意识到我永远不会离开你

It's like I can't breathe彷佛我无法呼吸
It's like I can't see anything彷佛我什么也看不到了
Nothing but you 除了你什么也看不到
I'm addicted to you我爱你成瘾
It's like I can't think仿佛我无法思考
Without you interrupting me如果没有你来打断我
In my thoughts 在我的思绪里
In my dreams 在我的梦里
You've taken over me 你已经占有了我