
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 23:22:54

My name is LiBo.I live in Puyang.I am an easygoing person,and believe that we will get on well on.I do not have any specialty,but some fault. One fault was found when I was temporary monitor,that is,my voice is gentle.But I will overcome it from now on to make sure that every can hear me when I make the report every month.

Help to get your understand.Thank you!

-----你的段话是要在外企上班时做的自我介绍吗?没有外企喜欢我们上去就说自己哪里不好,哪里缺点,什么都不会的。这全是中国式的东西!!我最后一句改了。原句翻译是Hope forgive me! 一般是犯了很大错误才要求宽恕。。

My name is Li Bo, who lived in Puyang. I was a relatively easy-going person. Hope to be able to handle relations with everyone. I do not have expertise. There are a bunch of shortcomings. When the provisional squad leader found a disadvantage of getting bigger is that there is little sound. After a month I announced a few things so that everyone would strive to hear. Hope you forgive me!