
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 01:23:02

让我们快乐的学习 学习,在家长眼里是一个敏感的字眼,家长梦都望子成龙,望女成凤。希望自己的子女都能够幸福、快乐的生活,于是便给我们布置了各项作业,让我们学习各项知识,成为人才。可是布置作业真的能让我们成龙成凤吗。那样只会让我们产生厌恶的心理,反而造成了反作用,学习更加退步。所以我希望家长们可以给我们一个自由学习的天地,让我们学习自己感兴趣的东西,这样可以让我们对学习充满兴趣,学习更加进步。 我在此呼吁;那些不顾孩子感受的家长,请给我们一个自由学习的空间吧。

Learning, are not that difficult as long as you work hard. Why your results are always put on hold? That is because you are not trying hard enough. A wise man, not try to learn not necessarily stupid people, has worked hard for will not necessarily more than poor people. you want to learn, not be allowed to control their own desires, we must learn to control their own desires. lazy and this kind of thing can only be resolved on their own. If you want to further their own learning, to overcome laziness, it is necessary. So, my study, I call the shots, to overcome their own problems bar.