
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 08:10:26
1.We ____ you a ride this morning but the car was full.
a.will give b. could have given
c.must have given d.should have given

2.we knocked at the door so that we ____ be allowed to stay for the night.
a. must b. ought c. can d. should

3.you ____ for her because she never comes here on time
a. don't hve to wait b.needn't have waited
c. shouldn''t have waired d.mustn't wait

4.____ he use your bike now? Certainly. here is the key
a. does b.must c. shall d.will

5.Don't worry. we will do everything we ____ you with the work
a .could to help b. can help c.should to help d.can to help

6.___ all the books ____ to the library before the term ends.
a. shall, be returned b.Must,be returned
c.should,return d.must,return

1题选d,should have done 表示本应该。