MJ的who is it 这首歌谁知道中文歌词!?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 11:22:28

Who is it?
I Gave Her Money 我给予她钱
I Gave Her Time 我给予她时间
I Gave Her Everything我给予她一切
Inside One Heart Could Find 只来自一颗心
I Gave Her Passion 我给予她激情
My Very Soul我真正的心灵
I Gave Her Promises我给予她承诺
And Secrets So Untold还有未曾说出的秘密
And She Promised Me Forever她也给予我永远的承诺
And A Day We'd Live As One 而且有一天我们会合而为一
We Made Our Vows我们许下誓言
We'd Live A Life Anew我们会重新开始新生活
And She Promised Me In Secret她偷偷地答应我
That She'd Love Me For All Time她会每时每刻爱我
It's A Promise So Untrue这是一个不真实的承诺
Tell Me What Will I Do?告诉我将怎么做
And It Doesn't Seem To Matter这看起来不算什么
And It Doesn't Seem Right这看起来不太对头
'Cause The Will Has Brought因为期望不会给你运气
No Fortune
Still I Cry Alone At Night我仍然在夜晚独自哭泣
Don't You Judge Of My Composure 别认定我泰然自若
'Cause I'm Lying To Myself那是我在对自己撒谎
And The Reason Why She Left Me她离开我的原因
Did She Find