English Report 帮忙啊!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 01:22:49
我需要一篇English Report,课前上台讲的,讲3~5分钟,最好讲鼓励同学(要坚持、要有信心等),或启迪人的心灵,发人深思等,外国经典故事等。我是一名高一新生,内容要让高一学生都基本听的懂的。


故事名字叫:The pull of the ocean

The pull of the ocean
- Book Review

The pull of the ocean was written by J. C. Mourlevat. This fantastic book was based on the famous Tale of The adventures of Tom Thumb. I absolutely loved it.

Yann is a ten year old boy who was only about ‘…two feet…’ (p.3) tall. He has six brothers that are all twins. He is the youngest and mutest but at the same time – the cleverest and most intelligent of all. He communicates by looking at people with his eyes while most people say it with their voice. He loves learning at school while his brothers do the opposite. His bothers loved him very much and he is the ‘centre’ of them.

‘On a very rainy November night’ (P.183), little Yann heard that his parents were fighting so he ‘…went down to listen.’ (p.184). After a while, he wakes his brothers and told them that they are in real danger – their parents have a plan to KILL them. Malnourished and poorly clothed the seven boy