
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 17:15:48

With the reduction of trade barriers, as well as information technology, organizations are becoming increasingly frequent cross-border and close, service outsourcing has become a new management strategy, has become part of enterprise value chain. International service outsourcing has become the core competitiveness of multinational corporations to improve the strategic choice to promote a new round of global industrial transfer. This is the international market, the development of modern service industry in China, full of opportunities and challenges.
First of all, this paper, outsource content, theoretical basis as well as the effect analysis, and on this basis, in-depth analysis of the emergence and development of international service outsourcing causes, characteristics and impact.
Second, the analysis of India, Mexico, the pros and cons of the model, in order to provide outsourcing services to China's development experience to draw on. In accordance with SWOT ana