
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 15:01:42

在他们旁边的镇上上有一个女孩子叫Barbara Gabler,家里有钱有势,Barbara Gabler也是镇上最漂亮的女孩,自从到教堂听了Pachelbel弹的曲子,就爱上了他。很多有钱人上门向Barbara Gabler提亲都被拒绝了,因为Barbara Gabler心里只喜欢Pachelbel。但女孩子嘛,都比较害羞,从小被宠到大的Barbara Gabler一直不敢向Pachelbel表白,后来Barbara Gabler就找了个理由,说要去Pachelbel那里学钢琴,她对Pachelbel说自己热爱音乐,希望可以拜师学艺。
Pachelbel很高兴的收下了这个徒弟。但Barbara Gabler她的目的并不是弹琴,所以几乎不把经历花费在钢琴上,遭到了Pachelbel一再的责骂。Barbara Gabler心里委屈,但还是一直跟着Pachelbel,希望Pachelbel能明白自己的心意。
终于有一天Pachelbel对Barbara Gabler说:“你走吧,你真的不适合弹钢琴。而且你也不喜欢钢琴。”
在3天后的晚上,在当时Pachelbel教Barbara Gabler钢琴的教堂里,Barbara Gabler割腕自杀了。
而Pachelbel在Barbara Gabler离开的半年里,他发现没有Barbara Gabler在身边,自己少了很多很多的快乐,其实很多事情就是这样失去了才知道珍惜。Pachelbel在Barbara Gabler离开后才发现原来自己已经不知不觉的爱Barbara Gabler,只是因为她学琴不努力所以就埋没了对她的喜欢。当时他准备写一首歌,做为向Barbara Gabler求婚的礼物,当他完成了卡农的1/3的时候。他被招去打仗了,在战乱中,自己的生命多次都是九死一生,每当心中不舒服的时候都会想到Barbara Gabler,想到教她弹琴的日子......那段时光真是值得怀念啊。之后他完成了卡农剩下的2/3。
在Barbara Gabler自杀后了第2个月,P

  Pachelbel (Canon of the author), German. In his 10-teen when the war made him orphaned. Vagrant to Britain, he was a small English village every day, giving piano lessons in the church who sings adoption, after which he heard every day that he was playing piano, monasteries also learned the piano.

  In their next to the town there is a girl named Barbara Gabler, home, rich and powerful, Barbara Gabler is also the most beautiful girl in town, go to church after listening to Pachelbel bombs since the song, they fell in love with him. Barbara Gabler many rich people come to propose marriage have been rejected, because Barbara Gabler mind only like Pachelbel. But the girl Well, are relatively shy, from small to large are pet Barbara Gabler had always been reluctant to Pachelbel confession, and later Barbara Gabler talked to reason, saying that going to Pachelbel learned the piano, she Pachelbel say that they love the music, hope you can study with a teacher.
